Thursday, May 6, 2010

KayRiah - manusia mana yang tidak pernah sedih......................................

"What it takes to be a serial killer?" 

"Are you out of your mind?"

"No, in fact my blood pressure is much better than yesterday"

"You have high blood pressure? that is insane man! You are young I mean not at this age."

"hmmmmmmmm  I guess I am not the lucky one"

"Are you kidding me?"  

"No, too bad this is real"

"Look, I'm your best friend. What's your problem? Kay? You pelik hari ni. "

"Really? Just because I tak senyum, you kata I pelik.  I tak boleh sedih ke?"

"Sure boleh. Manusia kan? menangis gembira pilu bla bla bla bla semua tu normal. Kalau tak kita bukan normal".

"You are damn right.  So sekarang ni I sedang menangis. I pilu. I sakit. Jiwa I merana. Mon? I sakit Mon. I sakit. I'm useless!"

to be continued...............................................

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