Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter Warmers The Curve

My menu Fish & Chips! - when was the last time I went to this restaurant? long long time ago la. hmmm dua tahun lepas ke? rasanya! - Nope! bukan sebab I nak sangat makan kat sini tapi I nak cari tempat yang ada wife dan tak ramai orang! Sebab? nak buat assignment urgent urgent urgent! - So kali ni I pergi restaurant ni bukan pasal urgent assignment lagi cuma saja datang saja pergi - hmmm Food? C+ - sadly the day ended with all 'not so tasty food' - I story later.

Husband punya! - frankly and honestly I tak rasa pun food dia. So I guess based on gambar to me tak menarik hehehe oh itu ayam Grilled with sos lada hitam! now move on!

Ni confirm confirm PD punya! sebab? there were two eyes, mustache, and mouth heheheh easy to predict la ek? - okey unlike me my daughter seem to be enjoying her food so much! apa nak dikata spaghetti memang fav dia  mungkin sedap la kot? frankly again i tak rasa.

English Breakfast Tea! - with flowery cup hmm rasanya macam TEH le memang teh! pun! :D

So you don't have to go to europe to feel the winter or the get warmed heheheheheh sila datang ke Winter Warmer The Curve! - Okey I tak suggest la harga okey la dalam RM50++ tapi tak begitu SEDAP. 

Okey next post bila I dah sampai Putrajaya karang okey?


itamrazali said...

sedapnya..murah pulak tuh.

Ms Jade said...

harga affordable...
tang sedap hmmmmm rasanya tak berapa la kot?